Instructor Onboarding

To become an instructor, follow these steps:

  1. Ask for and receive approval to begin the instructor process by one of the board, staff, or leads. If you aren't sure how to do this, submit your request to
  2. Submit the following information to
    1. A completed W9 form
    2. A completed direct deposit form
    3. a 2-3 sentence biography for our website
    4. a photo headshot for our website
  3. Submit the details of any new classes you want to teach via our new class template form. Be advised that these classes will require further review before they are taught.
  4. Submit the Instructor capabilities form. It's strongly recommended to use a gmail or Google account when asked for your email, as our scheduling system relies on Google Calendar for inputting availability.
  5. If you aren't yet a member, schedule an Onboarding to establish your membership, get access to the #instructors discord channel and Instructor Dashboard, and get cleared on the tools you will be teaching.
  6. We will invite you to our Education Shared Drive and to the #instructors Discord channel. Please review all teaching materials for your classes (course outline, bill of materials, handouts etc.) - if changes are needed, reach out to or on the Discord.
  7. Follow the Scheduling steps to list your availability.
  8. Familiarize yourself with the class kit and the materials and tools that will be involved in the classes you agreed to teach when you submitted the capabilities form.

Profile Status (on Dashboard)

When you sign in to the Instructor Dashboard, your profile on the left side of the page includes a “Status” section. This will potentially highlight actions you need to take: