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Contributing to the Protohaven Wiki

We would love you have you make our documentation and information better. Here you will learn how to contribute to the wiki.

Logging in to Edit

I've set up authentication for the wiki with the Neon One Logins. You can simply go to the login page and click the Login with Neon CRM`.

Editing Orientation

To get started editing in dokuwiki, our wiki software I'd recommend watching this 6 minute long video. And then consulting the syntax page. You can use the playground to test things out.


You may notice when you create new pages in the tools or clearance namespace that instead of an empty page it's populated with data from a template. Staff and Instructors can edit templates if you want a change let Jeff know.

Importing Google Docs

Last volunteer day Jon put together a pretty good google doc to dokuwiki converter. Those pages will be imported to imported And from there can be fixed up and moved to tools

Prior to that I wrote this but it's not as good: Converting Google Docs to Dokuwiki Markdown Format

contributing.1675892205.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/02/08 21:36 by jeffbearer