Table of Contents

Bringing a New Tool Online

Several steps are required to bring a new tool online at Protohaven.

Gather Resources

Collecting the following resources will make it easier to follow subsequent steps:

Update digital systems

Airtable Tools & Equipment list

Fill out this form, with as much information as you're able to provide:

The password to access this form is the same as the user.

Once you've filled the form, notify a staff or board member so they can complete additional fields not present on the form.

The admin will also need to:

Tool Tutorial, Clearance, and Maintenance docs (on Wiki)

Login to the wiki and create separate tool tutorial, clearance, and maintenance pages. You can create pages by navigating to a nonexistent page and clicking the “create” button on the right of the screen.

Follow the directory structure, style and format of other existing docs.

Physical updates

  1. Attach a magnet clip to a visible part of the machine so that the tool can be “tagged” in the event of issues. Extra clips can be found on the back of the sign-in kiosk at the front desk.