Table of Contents

CNC Plasma Cutter (Avid Pro)

The Avid Pro Plasma 4x8 CNC system plus Hypertherm PowerMax 65 plasma cutter can run cutting operations on sheet metal including mild steel, stainless steel, and aluminum.

Quick Facts


Tool Anatomy

  1. Power switches (motor & plasma cutter)
  2. E-Stop
  3. Amperage control (45A/65A)
  4. Control Computer
  5. Welding Goggles
  6. Torch Head
  7. Gantry
  8. Water Table
  9. Speeds & Feeds Chart

Initial Setup: Powering On

It's strongly recommended to reserve a timeslot so you know the machine is available.

Preparing G-Code: SheetCam

Operation: Mach 3


Additional Resources