Table of Contents



There are a few places that metrics can be found for membership and classes:

Neon CRM


Google Sheets


There's some prior work on understanding the ebb and flow of membership:

Materialization of these scripts from previous runs:

Creating New Metrics

Some questions to answer before creating a new metric or dashboard:

  1. What questions do we always need to answer, on a regular enough basis that it's worth paying (time, attention, effort) to maintain a dashboard/pipeline for? What is this frequency/basis? Is the audience just the M&P committee, the whole board, or broader?
  2. For each of these questions, can it wait a few minutes, or do we need an answer at any moment? (operational metrics vs higher-level reporting)
  3. What would be an ideal “data view” or schema that would support deeper, ad-hoc analysis to answer various questions that emerge from the questions in #1?