Table of Contents

Information Systems Explainer


We host via NameCheap - we have a Red Hat linux server running our WordPress page and DocuWiki.

Neon One CRM

A CRM (Contact Relationship Management) keeps track of our members, students and other community members of protohaven.

This is where members pay for their memberships.

It holds the following data:

There are several kinds of accounts:

Individual Constituent accounts is what every member, student, shop tech, instructor and staff person has. It is where they can manage their memberships, payments, class registrations etc.

Company Accounts are used to group Individuals under a company membership. Every individual in a company should have an individual account and one person will likely have credentials to manage the company account too.

User Accounts are what Protohaven staff who require access to backend data would use. It provides access to all of the information contained within neon if the account has the right permissions.


Airtable is partway between a spreadsheet and a database. It joins and processes data collected from other sources, and presents report “views” that techs and members can use.


Discord is the chat system that members, techs, and staff use to keep in touch with each other.


Asana is a task manager that tracks assignment and completion of scheduled/unscheduled maintenance, purchase requests, and more.


Zapier is an automation service that takes data from Airtable and performs actions in Asana and Discord. This includes:

Booked Scheduler

We use Booked Scheduler to manage equipment reservations.

Our instance is hosted at

Workstation Images

Workstations are imaged via PXE on boot via Reboot Restore Rx.

Boxstarter does PowerShell stuff w chocolatey / WinGit… Used for image build.

Config for generating OS images checked into


The wiki is deployed in namecheap by scriptacouculs and it keeps it updated.

Amber, Taylor, and Scott Martin are admins on the wiki. When you login there will be an admin link above the search bar.

To get started editing in dokuwiki, our wiki software I'd recommend watching this 6 minute long video.

You can use the playground to test things out.

Manual is here:

There is a patch to one of the oauth files in the wiki software to make sign-ins work with neons oauth. that patch is up on the protohaven github here:

Sheets automation

We use AppScript for automating some data management for payroll and member sign in:

Payroll is done through the Master Instructor Hours and Clearance Log -

Member check:

Pulls from Protohaven welcome and waiver form responses sheet:

Which has appscript for annotating membership status and clearances (in neon and in the instructor hours and clearance log sheet)