$$$ Store and Storage Purchases $$$

Members, Guests, Techs, and Staff can purchase a variety of goods and supplies through Protohaven. These individuals come to the front desk to purchase these items, and it is the Shop Tech's duty to sell the items to these folks.

Protohaven uses Square on the front desk's iPad to do sales. The steps below illustrate how to do a sale for a can of Diet Pepsi:

Step Image
Find and tap on the Square icon in the iPad, circled in red in the image.
Find and tap on the category of good that the customer wants to purchase.
(If applicable) Find and tap on the subset category of the good that the customer wants to purchase.
Find and tap on the item that the customer wants to purchase. *WARNING: Multiple taps on the same item will add the respective amounts of that item to the cart.*
Tap the blue *ADD* button at the top right.
Once you've added all of the items to the cart, find and tap “Review sale”.
If everything looks good, find and tap “Charge”.
Once this screen appears, the customer should be able to insert/tap their debit/credit card on the white Square reader to complete the sale.
Once the white Square card reader light turns green, the customer should be able to insert or tap their card to complete the transaction.

*Make sure to ask the customer if/how they want their receipt!*