Table of Contents

Tool Usage Guides


The Tool Usage Guide content is partitioned into two parts:

These two parts are used in various ways. Class handouts include the basic guides so students have their own copy of the information they need to use the shop. Tool binders on the shop floor include both the basic guide and member notes, along with ways for members to add new information on the spot.


Basic tool usage guide structure is as follows.

Not every subsection will be required for every tool.

Sometimes, the basic operation section may need to include an extra subsection for a Special Topic - a detailed discussion of something specific to that tool. Special topics should be included in the sequence of the workflow where it makes more sense (if the procedure in the special topic needs to happen before using the tool, but it before the “Use” subsection, etc.).

The member notes section structure is as follows:

The organization of the (Notes) section above will vary from tool to tool, and may need to be periorically edited and reorganized.


Template files for creating new tool usage guides are available in the Protohaven GitHub organization:

…or through