[[https://wiki.protohaven.org/|{{:screenshot_from_2025-01-27_14-18-15.png}}]] ===== Policies ===== Our [[policies:start|Policies]] page includes illness, tool damage, class cancellation, and other policies. ===== Tools & Equipment ===== See [[tools|Tools & Equipment]] for all relevant information about safety, operation, and maintenance of our tools and equipment. ===== Equipment Reservation ===== Check out the [[software:reserve|reservation guide]] to get help on using the equipment reservation system at https://reserve.protohaven.org. ===== Meeting Notes ===== To review past meetings, see [[meetings|this page]]. You must be a member to view the page. ===== Member Details ===== === Clearances === See what tools you've been cleared on [[https://protohaven.org/wiki/clearances.php|HERE]] === Member Card === Print and cut out your [[https://protohaven.org/wiki/card.php|Member Card]] to get discounts at participating suppliers! (More details TBD) ===== Shop Tech Central ===== If you're a shop tech looking for information, see the [[shoptechs:start|Shop Tech Central]] wiki page. ===== Links, Software Guides, and More ===== Browse the [[https://protohaven.org/wiki/start?do=index|sitemap]] for a full list of wiki pages! * Board members: see [[board|the Board page]] * Tech leads: see [[[[shoptechs:leads|Shop Tech Leads]] * Instructors: see [[instructors|Instructor Guide]] * Onboarders: see [[onboarding|Onboarding Guide]] * Documentation Revision Effort: see [[documentation|Documentation]] ===== Data Sources ===== * Spreadsheet of large format laser materials: [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RDp_Kf5wWVkaAUypppxwd_1NlgEtOxAvZAGb8n5b-Vc/edit?usp=sharing|LFL Materials]] (Comments enabled)